Capertee Valley is the widest canyon in the world. Running from Lithgow in New South Wales out to Rylstone in the Central West of the state. It is vast with so many aspects that you could spend your life exploring it and still not find every nook and cranny – let alone photograph them all.

This place has special meaning for me as a photographic destination as I had often talked with my friend Richard Green – a brilliant landscape photographer and helicopter pilot ( – about shooting there to add to his amazing collection of panoramic Australian landscape photographs.

Sadly, Richard, his wife Carol, and their friend John Davis died in a helicopter crash in 2016.

We never had the chance to explore Capertee Valley together. I still miss Richard and Carol and my own photography is influenced by Richard’s work.

Capertee Valley from Pearson’s Lookout

Pearson’s Lookout stands at the top of a ridge line to the east of the town of Capertee, just off the Castlereagh Highway. From there you have a beautiful view of the central valley framed by trees and – on a warm sunny day – hazed with the evaporating eucalyptus oil that gives the Blue Mountains their name.