Rushcutters Bay, its park, and surroundings are some of the most beautiful spots in Sydney. I recently did a scouting shoot around the area and captured some images that I thought were worth sharing.

Scouting Rushcutters Bay

The Overlook – Rushcutters Bay

Whenever I visit a place, I try to look for a view to photograph that captures the essence of the location. It’s not always possible – wrong time of day, wrong weather, wrong light… there are so many ways that you can be thwarted.

But sometimes you arrive at the right place, at the right time, with the eyes to see.

I walked all the way around the bay and back before I found this vantage point up on the hill. But I think that it truly captures the nature of Rushcutters Bay – of the eastern suburbs of Sydney even.

Click here to purchase a high quality print of The Overlook – Rushcutters Bay

Overlooking Rushcutters Bay in Sydney, Australia
The Overlook – Rushcutters Bay – click to enlarge

Adereham Hall

This imposing old Art Deco apartment building – “Adereham Hall” – was designed by the architectural firm Gordon McKinnon and Sons. Construction was completed in 1934.

I took this photograph from the south south west in the mid-afternoon. It wasn’t an ideal time perhaps, but the strong light and clear sky seemed at one with this brutal, yet subtly stylish building.

I visited Rushcutters Bay expecting only to photograph the bay, so it was a delight to find this historically significant and visually dramatic building.

Click here to purchase a high quality print of Adereham Hall apartment building

Adereham Hall – click to enlarge